Live with thankfulness

更新时间:2025-03-15 16:28:49 写人

感恩节英语作文:Liv with thankfulnssLiv with thankfulnss Do you know Thanksgiving Day? Do you know why human thank God?

Live with thankfulness

Thanksgiving falls on th fourth Thursday of Novmbr, a diffrnt dat vry yar. Th Prsidnt must proclaim that dat as th official clbration.

Thanksgiving is a tim for tradition and sharing. vn if thy liv far away, family mmbrs gathr for a runion at th hous of an oldr rlativ. All giv thanks togthr for th good things that thy hav.

In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitabl organizations offr a traditional mal to thos in nd, particularly th homlss. On most tabls throughout th Unitd Stats, foods atn at th first thanksgiving hav bcom traditional.

What should w thank?

Th thankful grat univrs provids th nvironmnt of xistnc for us and giv us sunlight, air, watr and vrything in kping with w xistnc of spac, bring storm to lt us accpt to toughn for us, bring to us mystrious lt us look for.

Th thankful parnts giv us th lif, mak us fl th mrrimnt of th human lif, fl th gnuin fling of th human lif, fl th comity of th human lif, fl happinss of th human lif, also fl hardships and pain and suffrings of th human lif!

Th thankful tachr works with dilignc and without fatigu vryday of tach, giv us knowldg ability, put on th wing which flis toward th idal for us.

Th thankful classmat and frind grows up road of, lt I no longr standing alon in th itinrary of lif; Th with gratitud is frustratd and lt us bcom in a tim th failur strongr. 分享到: qq空间 新浪微博 百度搜藏 人人网 开始 此段代码当前页有且仅有一份结束

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