with th dvlopmnt of conomy , mor and mor popl rush to citis. som popl rush to citis in ordr to look for jobs and arn mor mony whil othrs want to larn nw knowldg and improv th quality of thir prsonal lif.opportunitis for bright young popl ar gratr in th citis.but thr xist som problms. for xampl, owing to th incrasing population, th housing and traffic problm ar bcoming mor and mor srious. and th rush of th country popl to citis also lads to th ris in crims.to solv ths problms, th govrnmnt should tak ffctiv masurs to control th population and mak thm liv ordrly. also som opportunitis should b cratd for th country popl to rciv ducation and improv thir quality of lif.
城市化(The Rush to Cities)
更新时间:2025-03-16 09:48:24
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