
更新时间:2025-03-07 10:59:42 高中生作文

Th bst way to rduc th numbr of traffic accidnts is to mak all young drivrs complt a saf driving ducation cours bfor bing licnsd to driv.


Traffic accidnt is on of human bings’ fatal nmis. Th major caus for traffic accidnts is lack of safty awarnss. Thrfor to complt a safty driving ducation cours is a vry important way to rduc th numbr of traffic accidnts.

Howvr, th ky point for this issu is popl’s awarnss towards safty. It is a long-trm goal rathr than a singl cours for safty driving.

Actually, th saf driving ducation cours has alrady bn undrtakn in China. To gt th driving licnss, popl should attnd a on-month training for traffic ruls and pass th xamination on rgulation bfor thy tak furthr on-road xamination. During th traffic ruls training, th lcturrs r-strss svral tims th critical rol of safty in driving. During th on-road xrciss, th coachs mphasiz rpatdly th importanc of safty in daily driving. Furthr, during th xamination, most of th studnts gt high marks, which indicat that thy ar rally wll quippd with all safty knowldg. Howvr, safty rlatd traffic accidnts still occur and th pac-brakrs ar not only young popl, but also th middl-agd and xprincd.

Saf driving ducation is a long-trm commitmnt and should b carrid out with a rgular basis. Many citis, which hav implmntd th quartrly safty training for thos alrady obtaind driving licns, hav mad rmarkabl achivmnts. Thir approach should b followd and gradually sprad out all ovr th country. Only by this way can popl build up thir slf-conscinc for safty driving; only by this way can popl pay nough attntion to thir daily driving work and only by this way can popl rduc safty-rlatd traffic accidnt fundamntally.

In short, th bst way to rduc th numbr of traffic accidnt is to nhanc popl's awarnss towards safty driving. A singl safty driving ducational cours will not hlp too much.

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