a happy day,a happy day范文

更新时间:2025-03-27 13:18:00 初中生作文

a happy day,a happy day范文a happy day As usual, I got up at six in th morning today. I am an arly bird bcaus it says "th birds gt up arly can catch worm", wll, I wasn't going to catch "worm", vn not th on in my computr, haha, thy wr actually som viruss in my computrs, I guss it's bcaus I us piratd softwar all th tim. Anyway, I did xrciss and thn studid for a whil just lik bfor, but I got on mor spcial thing to do today: shopping. you know what? today is Saturday, it mans I don't hav school. Yp!!!! I am so happy!!!!!

a happy day,a happy day范文

th nxt thing happns mad m happir today was whn I wnt out shopping with my frinds, a prson looks somon who was just travlling hr ask m for dirction. I told him th dirction but it sms h didn't gt it, so I dcidd to walk with him to th plac h wantd to go to. and finally, w found th plac yp!!! I am so happy!!!!

and thn, aftr I hlpd him, I mt a bggar, h askd m for 2 dollars to buy food, what? I hav only 3 dollar, so I gav him 1.5. I was so kind. Yp!!! I am so happy!!!!!

what a happy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a happy day

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