多事记人:一位外籍英语老师-A Foreign English Teacher,多事记人

更新时间:2025-02-06 03:48:59 高中生作文

多事记人:一位外籍英语老师-A Forign nglish Tachr 由 一位外籍英语老师

多事记人:一位外籍英语老师-A Foreign English Teacher,多事记人




A Forign nglish Tachr

Our school, Shiyan Middl School in Fuling, was foundd only four yars ago. It is rathr a nw school, but now it is gtting wll-known for its tahing. W hav a forign nglish tachr, namd Hans Barthl. H is th only forign nglish tachr in all th schools in our city.

Hans is a tall man with blu ys. H coms from Munich①, in Grmany. That is to say, Grman is his nativ languag and yt h mastrs svral forign languags, including nglish. H tachs us spokn nglish. I still rmmbr th first tim h askd m to answr a vry asy qustion, but I was too nrvous to answr it, standing dumbfoundd②. H smild, ncouragd m and lt m sit down. From thn on, I mad up my mind to study nglish hardr.

On vning I pluckd up ③ my courag to visit Hans. Whn I rang th doorbll, h cam out and lt m in. At first I was a bit nrvous whn talking with him. To mak m fl asy h spok vry slowly, and I could undrstand quit wll. I was so glad that I flt quit at hom. Now, I always go to his room on Saturdays. W talk a lot and watch TV togthr. With his hlp, my spokn nglish gratly improvd.

Hans is larning Chins all by himslf. H can spak som Chins now. H can talk with our Chins tachrs. If h dosn't know how to say a crtain thing in Chins, h will ask us to tach him till h can say it corrctly.

On Christmas I snt him a gift, which h accptd. H spnt that vning mrrily with us Chins studnts and didn't fl lonly at all.

This is Hans, a kind man and a good nglish tachr.



①Munich ['mju:nik] n.慕尼黑(德国城市)

②dumbfoundd [d)m'faundid] a.惊讶得发呆的

③pluck [pl)k] up 鼓起;振作;振作精神



多事记人:一位外籍英语老师-A Forign nglish Tachr 由

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