My birthdayMy birthday is on 几月几日。i clbrat it vry yar with my family and my frinds.vry yar,i hold a littl birthday party and invit my frinds ovr. w chat and play a lot of gams togthr. th bst part of it is that i lov th birthday cak and th gifts i gt from my parnts and my frinds. i also gt som mony on my birthday.i can buy what i want with th mony. i hav grat fun on my birthdays. but on th othr hand, i also undrstand that i am 1 yar oldr aftr ach birthday. and that mans i should b mor rsponsibl for myslf and i should also my slf-awar. i should undrstand mor things and b lss ignorant!fianlly, i should b thankful for my parnts,i know thy hav don thir bst in raising m up.2My birtiday is on XXX. I always hav both happy and sad flings on my birthday. Why I am happy? I hav group of frinds that com ovr to clbrat with m. And thy giv m birthday prsnts, somtims th gifts surprisd m vry much. Also, I can fl how much my family lovs m bcaus my parnts always mak a birthday cak for m. Thy do not go to buy on, but mak on thmslvs. I fl so happy about that. Howvr, I undrstand my mothr was th on who suffrd th most pain on th dat I cam to th world. I fl so sorry for my mothr for what sh had suffrd. But I promis hr, I will tak good car of hr whn I hav that ability.
My birthday
更新时间:2025-03-17 07:05:33
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