对话记人:当好班长-Being a Monitor,对话记人:当好班长-Being a

更新时间:2025-03-16 04:37:48 高中生作文

对话记人:当好班长-Bing a Monitor英语 当好班长

对话记人:当好班长-Being a Monitor,对话记人:当好班长-Being a




Bing a Monitor

Th bll rang. It was tim to gt rady for anothr class. Th classmats took thir sats quickly and kpt silnt. As usual stood up and lookd around. vryon was busy with thir lssons xcpt Wu Qiang. H was still ating somthing. So I said loudly,“Plas stop ating, Wu Qiang. Havn't you hard th bll?”But h was daf to what I had said. I raisd my voic and rpatd impatintly①,“Stop ating. Is it that dlicious? ”H lookd up and murmurd,“I lik to at it. It's non of your businss②.”Som studnts bgan to laugh and my fac turnd rd.

I'm th only girl monitor in th grad. Som boys in my class ar so naughty that thy hav mad m cry svral tims.

That vning, I told my mothr about th mattr. Mothr smild and said,“It is not so asy to b a good monitor.”“How I wish I wr a strong boy! I would tak away what h was ating and throw it away!”I said angrily.“But it is no us doing that. You can do vn bttr than a boy. You should look on your classmats as your frinds, and b patint and frindly to thm.”Mothr said sriously.

Mothr's words mad a dp imprssion on m. Sinc that day I'v trid to chang my way of trating my classmats. I'v bgun to gt on wll with thm. Thy rspct m and hlp m with my work. vn Wu Qiang oftn says to th studnts of othr classs,“W hav a good monitor and w lik hr.”



①impatintly [im'piM ntli] ad.不耐烦地

②non of your businss与你无关



对话记人:当好班长-Bing a Monitor英语

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