写摘要:应有效使用语言实验室-Languag Laboratoris Should B Usd ffctivly 应有效使用语言实验室
下面是《英文21世纪报》第Ⅳ版一个称为“Tachr's Pag”栏目的前言部分。假定你是该版的编辑,请你为它写一段50个词左右的“编者按”(ditor's not)。
Languag Laboratoris Should B Usd ffctivly
Th chif drawback (缺陷) of oral intrviw tsts (口试) is th tim which is ndd. ach studnt must b tstd individually (个别地), and vn a short tst which taks only fiv or 10 minuts bcoms vry tim-consuming (费时的) whn givn sparatly to 30 studnts.
Th us of a languag maks it possibl to giv oral tsts to a larg numbr of studnts in a short tim. But it would b foolish to claim (声称) that a spaking tst using pr-rcordd (事先录音的)matrial could vr b suprior (优于) to a gnuin (真正的) fac-to-fac intrviw.
Nvrthlss, for crtain limitd purposs, a languag laboratory can offr a mans of ncouraging studnts to spak nglish and to bcom accustomd to rsponding (回答) various qustions which may possibly aris (出现) in ral lif.
xampls will b givn in this sction of th typs of oral xrciss and activitis for us in th languag laboratory.
Languag Laboratoris Should B Usd ffctivly
ditor's not:“ Classroom Tsting”① givs dtaild② and hlpful suggstions on mthods of tsting in th classroom and shows you how both studnts and tachrs can gain maximum bnfit③ from diffrnt ways of tsting. This is th fourth xcrpt④, which focuss⑤ on how to us th languag laboratory ffctivly so that oral intrviw tsts can b carrid out. (57 words)
①“Classroom Tsting”是该栏目的总称。
②dtaild ['di:tild]a. 详细的
③maximum bnfit ['m$ksim m 'bnifit]最大的好处
④xcrpt [k's :pt]n. 摘录;节录;选录*
⑤focus['f uk s]v. 注视;集中
“编者按”式的摘要类似于对某人或某事的简介,用三两句话说明栏目、文章等的目的和核心内容。 写摘要:应有效使用语言实验室-Languag Laboratoris Should B Usd ffctivly