If you hav rcivd possibly hav th arthquak warning, continus
to maintain listns to th local broadcasting station nwst rport
and th suggstion, lik th suggstion switchs off th liquid gas,
th powr sourc. Gratly but th havy objct from high will put on
to tak away. Th jar, th glass, th chinawar and othr brittl
things admit in th low cabint, th baggag shlf should hav kps
off th hand by to prvnt th objct whrabouts. Th cabint gat
should shut tightly, movs away to b hanging th objct. Blow
prpars th goods by to prpar urgntly nds: Frsh frsh watr and
mrgncy food, flashlight, fir xtinguishr. Is far away ths
possibly to fall is pounding your thing, possibly can radicat in
outdoors trs, in th small town construction vn if nough is
sturdy cannot dstroy, th chippings also possibly fall. Runs away
spacious to plac most idal, but if dos not hav th nough tim,
stays is possibly safr in th room, on th avnu spch, th gas
piping or th lctric wir which bursts can incras th risk. Passs
in and out th human is most dangrous, xtrmly asily is woundd by
th building in bricks and stons.
In room: Whn th arthquak occurs, if in th indoors, stays in
insid, xtinguishs th fir, is far away th glass is spcially th
big window (including mirror and so on). In th room quoin or has th
good strut intrnal way is good sking asylum plac. Prhaps th low
ground or th basmnt can provid th bst survival opportunity.
Hids in undr th tabl bottom or othr firm furnitur, this not only
can provid th protction to you, morovr also has th big brath
spac. Whn stor, is far away th big cargo xhibition hall, ths
cargos possibly can drop down. Also is loadd with th lvator in th
multilayrd building in th offic, in-situ hids in th dsk bottom.
Do not ntr th lvator, th staircas also possibly can crowd th
panic-strickn popl. .
Ch Zhong: As far as possibl quickly and safly stops - but stays in
th vhicl may avoid hit by th whrabouts objct. Crouchs in
hiding undr th sat, if has th thing to fall on th vhicl, you
will b abl to obtain th protction. Whn vibrats stops down, th
attntion obsrvation obstacl and possibly appars dangr: Dstroyd
th lctric cabl, damags th path and collapss bridg.
Outdoors: Whn outdoors li in th ground, do not hav to run. This
can throw down, also possibly is mbzzld by th crack. Is far away
th big construction. Toward undrground walk or do not ntr th
gallry, this can caus to b strandd. Lik you alrady prpard to
th outdoors, did not rturn to in th building. Th arthquak causs
any construction not too to b all rliabl for th first tim, if
thn again occurs slightly shaks, th building can cav in. Is safr
to th summit. In th pitch arth ston is asy to fall, if crushs by
th numbr thousand ton havy soil block or th rock (thy to hav
farful spd), vry littl has th opportunity which fortunatly
survivs. Rolls qually on th plac lik th ball changs th
Bach plac: So long as undr th cliff cannot th suitabl scurity,
but bcaus th tsunami follows th arthquak but to com frquntly,
thrfor aftr vibrats stops laving th bach as soon as possibl
to th highr opn fild shift. Th aftrshock risk did not lik th
tsunami to b so farful.