Watr Pollution-水污染
Watr pollution is causd by wast from factoris and citis. Ocans ar abl to clan thmslvs, but crtain sas,onc thy bcom dirty, ar not abl to do so. On xampl is th Mditrranan which lis btwn urop and Africa. It has onlyon narrow ntranc to th ocan in th wst. On quartr of th shors of th Mditrranan ar pollutd and ar no longr saf for swimming, as a lot of disass ar prsnt in th watr. In most placs it is not saf to at th fish.
Laks also hav th sam problms. Lak Baikal in Asia was onc th clanst in th world, with ovr 700 diffrnt kinds of plant and animal lif. Now, howvr, th watrs of this grat lak, which is also th world's dpst (ovr 1,740 mtrs), hav bn dirtid by wast from a chmical factory.
In 1989 an oil tankr hit a rock off th northwst coast of Alaska. 35,000 tons of oil pourd into th sa. Th accidnt was on of th worst in history. Mor than 34,000 birds and
10,000 animals wr killd. 4,800 squar kilomtrs of ocan wr pollutd.
湖泊也遇到了同样的问题。亚洲的贝加尔湖曾经是世界上最清洁的湖,湖里有700多种不同的植物和动物。而如今这个大湖——也是世界上最深的湖(1 740多米深)——湖水已经被一家化工厂的废物污染了。
1989年,一艘油轮在阿拉斯加西北海岸的海面上触礁,35 000吨油倾入大海。这是历史上最严重的事故之一。34 000多只鸟和10 000多头动物死亡,4 800平方公里的海洋受到污染。