A Prsnt for Tachrs' DayToday is Sptmbr 10. It is Tachrs'Day. Xiao Hua has bn ill in bd for mor than a wk. Hr tachr coms to hr hom to giv hr lssons aftr school vry day. In ordr to show thir rspct, Xiao Hua and hr mothr dcid to giv th tachr a prsnt.Thy mak a big rd flowr. Whn th tachr arrivs, Xiao Hua prsnts th flowr to th tachr. Sh fastns it to th brast of hr tachr' s jackt, and says "Happy Tachrs' Day" to hr. Th tachr xprsss hr thanks and sts down to giv hr lssons. Xiao Hua's mothr pours a glass of watr for th tachr and puts a lamp on th tabl.