开心生活(A Big Heart for Life)

更新时间:2025-03-17 07:05:39 高中生作文

i will nvr forgt that momnt whn i was prssing th buttons on th phon .i was ntring a hot lin to find out my rsults in th final xamination of junior school. i rmmbr having a hopful but anxious fling in my stomach. kill or cur? th big momnt had com. on haring th voic say "congratulations! you com top in th xam." i chrd up.”you mak it!" i just smild a big smil to myslf. th succss rally ncouragd m a lot.howvr, god smd to hav pulld a prank on m. th most dprssing just followd th most inspiring succss i hav achivd. no soonr had i got th good nws than i was hit by a srious fvr, which mad m in bd for a whol wk. it was rally annoying at th thought of all th joys i missd. if i hadn't bn ill, i could hav had a good tim with my old frinds! i also missd th chanc to njoy a party which all my classmats took part in bfor w fll apart.what i want to say in th nd is that vryon has his day, whil vryon must fac up to som hardships and pains. lif, as it rally is, is always filld with sorrow and joy. don't gt vain whn you succss. don’t los hart whn mting difficultis. just tak it asy and work hard. lif will vntually giv you much in rturn for a big hart.

开心生活(A Big Heart for Life)

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