Qinhuang Island-秦皇岛 Qinhuang Island
Th summr holiday cam, and my family dcidd to go to th Qinhuang Island to spnd a fw days thr. On th first day of our trip, w climbd up th hill calld Xifng, which is nar th coast. You can't imagin how wondrful th viw was from th top of Xifng. Hr was an ovrall pictur of th small town. W saw lots of whit buildings with rd roofs among big grn trs. Thr was th vast sa with many littl grn islands on it.
Th nxt day w got up arly and wnt xcitdly to th bach nar th hotl to watch th sun rising. W lookd to th ast. Th clouds wr rddish and thn turnd bright rd. Soon th sun slowly showd half of hr fac.Th sky around th sun was vry bright and suddnly th sun had a lap from th sa and hr full fac appard with goldn rays stting out. Th sa lookd as if it was covrd with rd silk. Th sight was so bautiful that w would nvr forgt it.
Not only is th scnry bautiful thr, but th popl thr ar vry frindly. W also bought many things, such as ncklacs, shlls and a lot of sa food.
To our disappointmnt, w had to lav th island. But w'll always rmmbr this trip and th popl thr.