schdulI will b in th third grad in th nxt trm.Sin c th highschool ntranc xamination is coming soon, thr is a grat nd for m to mak a prcis plan of my studis.
From Sptmbr to Novmbr,I will follow th tachrs in th nw lssons larning, and aftr class , th contmporary xrciss ar ncssary.
Bfor th nd of th first trm, I will rviw all th lssons from bginning again.
From March to April, rviw all I hav larnd a scond tim.
Bginning from April, modls tsts should b th all.Svral days bfor th xam, I will go ovr all th mistaks in th paprs and hav a good rst for th xam.