Th Chins Nw Yar is calld Spring Fstival, it usually coms in Fbruary. Thr is a nam for ach yar. It may b calld th yar of th dog or th yar of th monky. And this yar is th yar of th cock.
Bfor th Now Yars Day, th Chins popl usually giv thir houss a gnral claning. On th last day of th old yar, thr is a big family dinnr. All mmbrs of th family try to b prsnt at th mal. On th first day of th nw yar, popl go to visit thir rlativs and frinds. As a rul, childrn ar givn som mony to buy things thy lik.
Popl oftn hav a good tim during th Fstival.