
更新时间:2025-01-29 23:03:46 叙事

Mooncaks ar to Mid-Autumn Fstival what minc pis ar to Christmas. Th sasonal round caks traditionally hav a swt filling of lotus sd past or rd ban past and oftn hav on or mor saltd duck ggs in th cntr to rprsnt th moon. And th moon is what this clbration is all about. Mid-Autumn Fstival falls on th 15th day of th 8th month,it is th tim whn th moon is said to b at its brightst and fullst.Thr ar two lgnds which claim to xplain th tradition of ating mooncaks. On Tang Dynasty myth holds that th arth onc had 10 suns circling it. On day all 10 suns appard at onc,scorching th plant with thir hat. It was thanks to a skillful archr namd Hou Yi that th arth was savd. H shot down all but on of th suns. As his rward,th Havnly Qun Mothr gav Hou Yi th lixir of Immortality,but sh warnd him that h must us it wisly. Hou Yi ignord hr advic and,corruptd by fam and fortun,bcam a tyrannical ladr. Chang-r,his bautiful wif, could no longr stand by and watch him abus his powr so sh stol his lixir and fld to th moon to scap his angry wrath. And thus bgan th lgnd of th bautiful woman in th moon,th Moon Fairy.Th scond lgnd has it that during th Yuan Dynasty,an undrground group ld by Zhu Yuan Zang was dtrmind to rid th country of Mongolian dominanc. Th moon cak was cratd to carry a scrt mssag. Whn th cak was opnd and th mssag rad,an uprising was unlashd which succssfully routd th Mongolians. It happnd at th tim of th full moon,which,som say,xplains why mooncaks ar atn at this tim. Mooncaks ar usually stampd with Chins charactrs indicating th nam of th bakry and th typ of filling usd. Som bakris will vn stamp thm with your family nam so that you can giv prsonalisd ons to frinds and family. Thy ar usually prsntd in boxs of four which indicat th four phass of th moon. Traditional mooncaks ar mad with mltd lard,but today vgtabl oil is mor oftn usd in th intrsts of halth. Mooncaks ar not for th dit-conscious as thy ar loadd with caloris. Th bst way to wash down on of ths sticky caks is with a cup of Chins ta,spcially Jasmin or Chrysanthmum ta,which aids th digstion.



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