A Letter from an Old Friend,A Letter from an Old Friend范文

更新时间:2024-12-02 12:15:24 初中生作文

A Lttr from an Old Frind,A Lttr from an Old Frind范文A Lttr from an Old Frind Whn th lttr arrivd in th mailbox, I found th strang. It mad m vry curious, so I opn and rad th lttr as quickly as I could. "Oh my God! I don't bliv it!" I was surprisd and shoutd whn I rad th lttr. It was writtn by my old frind, Gary. H was my nighbor whn w wr in lmntary school. W playd and wnt to school togthr. W wr vry good frinds. Aftr graduation, h and his family migratd to Amrica and sinc thn, w havn't kpt in touch for a long tim. Gary's lttr talkd about th spcial xprinc that a young studnt has whil studying abroad. In th lttr, h wrot, "Whn l just to Amrica th nvironmnt was so unfamiliar. It took m along tim to adjust to th lif hr. That's th rason why l didn't contact you until now." That's tru-it is two yars latr. H also told m that thr wr fw tsts, but many paprs and rports for studnts in Amrica. Aftr rading this lttr, I long to study abroad somday. I'd lik to xprinc an Amrican-styl lif and wstrn ducation. My biggst hop is that I can visit my good old frind again. W can hav a long chat. Anyway, it's rally grat to gt a lttr from a long missing frind. A Lttr from an Old Frind

A Letter from an Old Friend,A Letter from an Old Friend范文

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