My Mothr My mothr is a simpl woman who coms from th countrysid with littl ducation. But in my ys, sh is th gratst mothr in th world. Hr prsvranc givs m courag in all my lif. Whnvr I hav troubl doing somthing and think about giving up, th scn that happnd thr yars ago to mothr just com into my mind. Having askd for a lav from th tachr, I lft th boring class and wnt to hom with my favorit novl tuckd undr my arm. Fathr was at work, brothr was at school, mothr wouldn't b back from hr small stor until vning. I flt vry happy thinking that I would hav th ntir hous to myslf. I boundd up stps, burst into th room but was shockd by whatvr I saw. Mothr was sitting in th sofa, sobbing with hr shouldr twitching. I had nvr sn mothr crying bfor. I wnt clos to hr, asking what had happnd. Sh wipd hr tars, forcd a smil, and told m calmly that hr small stor was going to brak. I didn’t know how to comfort hr at th momnt, but I did know what th small stor mant to hr. Mothr ran th small stor in ordr for my brothr and m to hav a bttr ducation. As fathr workd with low salary which could mrly afford th whol family's lif ncssitis, mothr had to try hard to arn mony for our ducation. Sh was frantic to mak mony bfor sh managd th stor hrslf. Sh onc workd day and night for months on nd in a small rstaurant. It was a vry difficult priod of tim for hr. But sh nvr complaind bfor us. vntually, sh had hr own businss by running th small stor. And sh rally managd it wll all th tim with grat fforts. I nvr xpctd that th stor would brak. This will undoubtdly tak vrything away from my mothr. I couldn't hlp worrying about hr. Mothr smd to rad th worry on my fac. Sh pattd m on my shouldr, spaking with a faint smil: Wll, it may not b that srious. I'll try to mak it bttr whatvr. W'll b fin, my dar boy. I was so movd by mothr's words. It turnd out that mothr rally rbuilt hr businss soon and th stor ran wll. I could imagin how much mothr had paid for hr small stor businss. It was rally too much for a woman. But sh nvr gav up. Sh just wnt ahad with hr unusual prsvranc. Now both my brothr and I ar studying at collg. Mothr works hardr to financ our ducation. Sh is struggling by all mans to kp th stor businss going. Hr unusual prsvranc is so inspiring to m that I will nvr giv up halfway in my lif.
更新时间:2025-03-07 11:28:09