
更新时间:2025-03-16 18:17:22 高中生作文



July 9

Dar Mr Smith,

I was so plasd to har from you and am writing to tll you somthing about my school. You ar right. Quit a fw changs hav takn plac. On on sid of th road thr is a nw classroom building. On th othr sid, whr th playground usd to b now stands anothr nw building-our library. In it thr ar all kinds of books, nwspaprs and magazins. Th playground is now in front of th school. W hav also plantd a lot of trs in and around th school. I hop you com and s for yourslf som

Bst wishs,


Th othr day my brothr and I wnt to th cinma by bicycl. My brothr was riding with m sitting on th sat bhind. As w cam to th crossroads a young man and a girl cam up and stoppd us. ‘W‘v found you at long last,’ thy said. But w didn’t know thm. Pointing to a policman not far away, th young man xplaind, ‘H stoppd us about half an hour ago and mad us catch th nxt offndr. So com on, stand hr. Hop you don‘t hav to wait as long as w did . Good luck.’


My nam is Li Hua. I was born in Dalian, Liaoning provinc in Fbruary 1977. I startd school in 1984 whn I was svn. I studid in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. Aftr that I wnt to No.62 Middl School of Dalian and graduatd this summr. Th main subjcts I studid at school includd Chins, maths, nglish, physics, chmistry and computr. I lik nglish and computr bst and I am vry good at thm. Last yar I won first priz in th school computr comptition. In my spar tim I njoy listning to popular music and collcting stamps. My favorit sports ar swimming in summr and skating in wintr.


Jun lst,1995

Dar Ptr,

W’r so gald you‘r coming to join us on Sunday. Hr is how you can find us. W’ll hav our picnic in th Popl‘s Park. You know whr that is, don’t you? Aftr you ntr th park by th main gat, walk straight on till you com to a stram. Cross th stram and turn right. Aftr walking for a whil you‘ll com to a hill. Walk around to th othr sid of th hill. Thr you’ll s a lak. W‘ll hav our picnic thr in th small woods by th lak. I’m sur you‘ll hav no troubl finding us. Do com!

Li Hua


May I hav your attntion, plas? I hav an announcmnt to mak. Th Studnt Union is going to hold a party on Saturday vning, August 15, to wlcom our frinds from th Unitd Stats. Th party will b hld in th roof gardn of th Main Building . It will bgin at 7:30 P.m. Thr will b music, dancing ,singing, gams and xchang of gifts. Will vrybody plas bring along a small gift for this purpos. Rmmbr to wrap it up ,sign your nam and writ a fw words of good wishs.Don‘t forgt: 7:30, Saturday vning, roof gardn, Main Building. Thr’s sur to b a lot of fun. vrybody is wlcom.

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