Th Mid-Autumn or Moon Fstival is on rich in potic(诗意的) significanc. Ancint lgnds(古代的传说) that bcam intrwovn with this fstival‘s clbration furthr contribut to th warm rgard in which it has always bn hld by th Chins popl. According to th lunar calndar(农历), th svnth, ighth, and ninth months constitut th autumn sason. Mid-Autumn Fstival falls on th 15th day of th ighth lunar month, prcisly in th middl of this sason, whn th hat of th summr has givn way to cool autumn wathr, markd by blu skis and gntl brzs. On this day th moon is at its gratst distanc from th arth; at no othr tim is it so luminous. Thn, as th Chins say, Th moon is prfctly round. In th villags th havy work involvd in th summr harvst has alrady bn compltd but th autumn harvst has not yt arrivd.
Th actual origins of th Mid-Autumn Fstival ar still vry unclar. Th arlist rcords ar from th tim of th grat Han dynasty mpror Wu Di (156-87 B.C.), who initiatd clbrations lasting thr days, including banquts and Viwing th Moon vnings on th Toad Trrac. W know that popl during th Jin dynasty (265-420 A.D.) continud th custom of Mid-Autumn Fstival clbrations, and similar accounts hav com down to us from th tim of th Tang dynasty. During th Ming dynasty (1368-1644) houss and gardns wr dcoratd with numrous lantrns and th sound of gongs and drums filld th air.(gwdq.com) Moon caks cam on sal shortly bfor fstival tim. In th past, on could gt som caks shapd lik pagodas, othrs lik a hors and ridr, fish or animals. Still othrs wr dcoratd with th imags of rabbits, flowrs, or goddsss. Thr wr a myriad of diffrnt fillings availabl: sugar, mlon sds, almonds, orang pl, swtnd cassia blossom, or bits of ham and prsrvd bf. Th caks ar of th northrn and southrn styls, but th lattr (also calld Guangdong-styl) ar th most popular and ar availabl throughout th country. Th round shap of caks just symbolizs not only th moon but also th unity of th family. Thrfor th Mid-Autumn Fstival is actually a day for family runion.