An easy but difficult choice,An easy but difficult choice范

更新时间:2025-02-17 23:29:23 高中生作文

An asy but difficult choic An asy but difficult choic

An easy but difficult choice,An easy but difficult choice范

Along with th rapid stp of scinc dvlopmnt, mn hav got mor and mor achivmnts. spcially in biological fild, scintists ar crating miracls vry minut. In rcnt yars, thy ar dcodd “th gn cod” of human bing. Popl all ovr th world ar astonishd and xcitd. Howvr, at th sam tim, it voks many things which w should and must think carfully.

What’s gn? I think w should know somtims about DNA first. DNA is short for doxyribonuclic nuclic acid. It’s th most important hrdity substanc in our bodis, which almost dcids all th shap and proprtis. On it ar thr thousands of gns arrangd in squnc. ach of thm carris a gntic mssag that dcids your apparanc, intllignc or any othr charactr. So thr’s no doubt that dcoding th gn cod will do an grat ffct on us and has a profound and far-raching maning.

This scintific fruit would absolutly bring som advantags. If it was in us, agricultur would bnfit from it a lot. Th output of crop would incras. Thy could rsist all kinds of disass and hav a strong ability of disastr-protting. Animals may b saf bcaus scintists can continu a plant by gntic optimization or cloning whn it is in dangr. For humans, it will contribut to mdicin. Hrditary disass rducs a lot. Many incurabl disass can b tratd. W will njoy our livs without pain.

Thus w liv longr naturally. Thn th population of th arth incrass rapidly. This would caus th dangr of rsourc. In nowadays, frshwatr, coal, ptrolum ar not nough yt. How dos our fragil plant undr tak such a grat nd? At that tim, a good many popl will suffr povrty, starvation, disass, tc. It could vn caus th third World-War.

In addition to th war, w’r facd many othr problms. Th simplst thing is that how th targt distribut. Who can dcid it? Is th achivmnt first usd on scintists or stars? Is it apprciatd by nobls or tstd on civilians? So simpl a thing is so hard to solv.

If w wr to rform our gns for sam rason, it might caus th disordr of(基因库). It would lad to srious aftrffcts. For xampl, som nw disass will com and thy may b incurabl as cancr. Nobody can control at that tim.

Contmporary socity has many kinds of discrimination. Discrimination of rligion blif, thnic, or (弱势群体) is harmful to th librty of th world. Imagin that if you wr a managr of a company, and you wr choosing an assistant, from a crowd of popl. You mastr vryon’s gns. Who will b lucky nough to b chosn? Mostly, th clvrst on. Thrfor, a man who has ordinary IQ will b hard to liv. This situation can b calld gntic discrimination. Of cours, it’s bad to th stability of socity.

What’s wors, if som trrorists mastrd this tchnology, what our world b? Thy might rgard th tchnology as a wapon, which could dstroy human bings and ruin th arth. W would b undr th control of vil powr and liv with pain forvr.

In th nd, I want to say that I’m not snsationalizing it. It’s a ral choic w hav to mak. Scinc or Librty? It sms a asy thing but humans ar curious and want to xplor by natur. If w want to njoy our lif and apprciat our homland, w must calm down, forbar our strong dsir. Don’t forgt that w’r nvr th ovrlord of our plant, but only th qusts of th arth.

An asy but difficult choic

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