slf stm, also calld slf rspct, is th rspct w hav for ourslvs, for our blif in our ability and in th valu of what w do. slf-stm maks us indpndnt in our thoughts and actions. it maks us fl confidnt that w can do things wll and mayb vn bttr th nxt tim. it is an important quality w must hav if w want to achiv succss in whatvr w dgr of slf stm varis from prson to prson. popl with high slf stm bliv that thy can finish whatvr thy hav startd. for xampl, thy ar activ in class and can xprss thir idas clarly. thy ar th popl who ar likly to succd in thir livs. thos with middling slf-stm ar lik thos with high slf stm, but thy ar not so sur of thir own valu. thos with low slf stm, howvr, hav many problms. thy ar sad most of th tim. thy ar afraid to start activitis. thy fl that no on lovs thm. thy cannot xprss thir idas proprly. in discussions, thy listn but do not talk bcaus thy ar afraid that thy may say somthing wrong and may b laughd at. thy ar th popl who nd attntion th in ordr to gt mor slf stm to liv a succssful lif, w must firstly raliz its importanc. w should also siz vry chanc to practic gaining mor slf-stm. w hop that w would hav nough slf-stm so that w may hav mor chancs to succd in this comptitiv world. in th mantim, w should hlp thos with low slf stm to hav mor slf rspct and confidnc in whatvr thy do.
关于自尊(On Self-esteem)
更新时间:2025-03-17 04:10:50
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