事理说明:有志者事竟成-Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way,

更新时间:2025-03-17 04:47:24 高中生作文

事理说明:有志者事竟成-Whr Thr Is a Will, Thr Is a Way 有志者事竟成

事理说明:有志者事竟成-Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way,








Whr Thr Is a Will, Thr Is a Way

This statmnt mans that if you ar rally dtrmind to do somthing, howvr difficult it might b, you will find a way of doing it at last. Th point is that you must hav th will if you ar to succd.

Ninty prcnt of th failurs that occur ar du to th fact thr is no strong will. Many popl simply say that thy want somthing, but thy do not mak any attmpt to achiv it. Thus, instad of gtting it, thy us th wakst xcuss to xplain th situation away.

On many occasions, too, popl probably say much mor than th truth about difficultis, making th objctiv impossibl to rach. In fact, if on has th will to succd, thn th siz of th obstacls① will sm smallr, and on can achiv on's goals.

If on wants to succd, h should not allow obstacls or failurs to prvnt him from acting. H should larn to mak his will strongr and to dtrmin himslf to achiv his ambitions.

On's will should b strong nough to wash or swp away th difficultis in on's path to succss. If on rally has a strong will, thn, somhow or othr②, on will find a way to gt what on wants, or rachs whr on aims at arriving.

Many a famous man succdd in arriving in thir high social position bcaus thy had th will to ovrcom obstacls which wr smingly too difficult to b passd. Thy hav managd to succd bcaus thy controlld th will which hlpd thm to achiv fam.

From what I say abov, w can s that th main thing which on nds is will. Wak-willd popl nvr mak it to th top. A strong willd prson, on th othr hand, will stand up against all odds and will mak it a point to succd at last.


①obstacl['&bst kl] n.障碍(物)

②somhow['s)mhau] or othr 以某种方式


本文以定义至理名言“有志者,事竟成”开篇,把篇题定位在“You must hav th will if you ar to succd.”上。正文分为5个自然段。第二、三段从反面阐述没有坚强的意志和决心,只强调客观、夸大困难就会失败的道理。第五、六段从正面说明只要有志气,有决心,就没有克服不了的困难,就会最终取得成功的道理。第四段是过渡段,即由反面说理向正面阐述过渡。最后一段是结尾段,综合上文说明能否成功的关键在于有没有意志,意志薄弱就不会成功,意志坚强就能成功。这样就与引言段的篇题“You must hav th will if you ar to succd.”相呼应了。用钱钟书先生的话说,这叫“幡蛇章法”(la composition-srpnt):“端末钩接,类蛇之自衔其尾。”(《管锥篇》228—230页) 事理说明:有志者事竟成-Whr Thr Is a Will, Thr Is a Way

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