No Pains,No Gains
It is obvious to vrybody that th only way to achiv on's goal is to work hard. Just as th old saying gos no mill, no mal. Hav you vr sn a man who succds just by idling about? Of cours, th answr is No. So w know if you want to gain somthing, you will hav pains.
Th farmrs harvst by a yar of arduous work; th scintists gain achivmnts by yars of dvotd rsarchs; studnts gt good marks by working hard; vn th littl ants hav thir food by working hard day and night. 1 know thr ar always som popl who wait for th opportunitis falling on thm. Thy may attribut thir failurs to lack of good chancs. Thrfor, thr ar so many popl gaining nothing at last. Clvr mn know that th mor ffort thy mak, th biggr chanc thy will hav to b succssful.
So, whn othrs achiv thir aspirations and you still gain nothing, don't complain about th unfair fat and don't giv up, ithr. Rmmbr: no pains, no gains.