A Boom in Adult education

更新时间:2025-03-14 01:14:55 写人

Dirctions:For this part you ar allowd 30 minuts to writ a composition on th topic A Boom in Adult ducation. You should writ no lss than 150 words and you should bas your composition on th outlin (givn in Chins) blow:

A Boom in Adult education




A Boom in Adult ducation

vry Tusday and Friday vning ss Miss Li,my nighbor and a scrtary in a company rush hom aftr a hard day’s work,gulp down hr mals and thn hurry out to catch th bus for hr nglish class. Miss Li’s cas is not uniqu,and now mor and mor city adults spnd thir lisur tim trying to improv thmslvs at school or collg.

Thr ar a numbr of rasons for popl to go back for thir ducation. Som popl,lik Miss Li,ar doing it to acquir anothr dgr or diploma to imprss th socity. To thm mor knowldg,or rathr,mor crdntials mans mor opportunitis for bttr jobs and quickr promotion.

Othr popl,spcially thos who ar laid off or out of mploymnt go to vocational school to prpar to rturn to th job markt. Thy ar agr for nw skills so that thy can b qualifid for th jobs in rtail trad,administration,ducation and othr srvic catgoris to which thy ar strang bcaus most of thm wr blu-collar workrs in th factory.

Thr ar also popl who com to tak such courss as Chins traditional mdicin,painting,calligraphy and photography. As thir working wks dclin popl bgin to hav tim to fulfill thir old dram of thir hart’s dsir.

Out of ncssity or out of intrst,popl go back to school for th common goal——to improv thmslvs,and this boom in adult ducation,in turn,hlps to rais th intllctual standard of th whol country.

标签: 动物 王国 年幼无知 练笔
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