繁忙 A busy month

更新时间:2025-02-18 22:51:33 高中生作文

A busy month

繁忙 A busy month

It’s in April now. This mouth may b th busist on during half of my high school lif. Thr ar som arrangmnts for th month blow:

April.2ndTh Composition Contst for Chucai Cup


April.17thHop Cup

April.26th & 27thth Mid trm xaminations

During th whol monthfinish a plan for th comptition of class mtings

Bsids ths, I also hav to swim in th sa of homwork, and I’m not willing to giv up any prcious tim for slping at th sam tim. So I flt that days has suddnly bcam short. Complaints cam almost vry day at first, but now I got usd to this kind of lifstyl. Mayb busy lif is suitabl for m.

Whn I got up in th morning, I startd thinking about th things I had to finish. Thn I would b afraid of wasting a scond so I should finish th plans on b on. At last, I would fl tird. Slping is mor important than th unfinishd things. I wnt to bd and slpt soundly soon. All day I only do two things-working and rsting, thus I hav no tim to go off into wild flights of fancy. “Nvr troubl troubls until troubl troubls you!” Now I think that I hav no tim to troubl troubls xcpt som difficultis of my wok troubl m!

In anothr way, mayb a busy lif can prov that I hav abilitis to do lots of things in many filds. Plas don’t laugh at m. Whn fling tird, this thought can always

Mayb schoolmats in Grad 3 will look down upon ths busy xprincs of min. But during th busir livs of yours, you can rmind yourslvs lik m that nvr troubl troubls.


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