You can’t b an Appl Lovd by All Popl
高三(10)班 王笑犁
An attractiv appl got rip and lovd by many popl. It happnd to mt an old man on th strt on day. “Do you lov m?” it askd with th most charming smil.
“No.” answrd th old man.
“Hav you nvr hard of th saying ‘on appl a day, kp th doctor away from m’?”
“I don’t car. Bcaus I don’t lik your tast at all.”
Th appl got disappointd.
Ys! As an appl, vn th bst on in th world, can’t b lovd by vrybody. vryon has its own tast and things can chang at any scond. Somtims w fl down for not accptd by othrs. “Prhaps I’m not that prfct yt”, w bgin to blam ourslvs, gtting mor and mor frustratd. That’s crul. It’s not your fault not to b apprciatd. Many popl walk in and out of your lif, but vry fw will lav footprints in your hart. You can’t b 100% prfct, anyway, and you don’t hav to b.
Rmmbr, don’t st your goals by what othr popl considr important. You can’t b an appl lovd by all popl. All that you can do is trying to b th bst appl and ltting othrs do th judging.