你自己的生活(Your Own Life)

更新时间:2025-01-25 12:35:09 高中生作文

suppos somon gav you a pn-a sald, solid-colord pn.you couldn't s how much ink it had. it might run dry aftr th first fw tntativ words or last just long nough to crat a mastrpic (or svral) that would last forvr and mak a diffrnc in th schm of things. you don‘t know bfor you bgin.undr th ruls of th gam, you rally nvr know. you hav to tak a chanc!actually, no rul of th gam stats you must do anything. instad of picking up and using th pn, you could lav it on a shlf or in a drawr whr it will dry up, unusd.but if you do dcid to us it, what would you do with it? how would you play th gam?would you plan and plan bfor you vr wrot a word? would your plans b so xtnsiv that you nvr vn got to th writing?or would you tak th pn in hand, plung right in and just do it, struggling to kp up with th twists and turns of th torrnts of words that tak you whr thy tak you?would you writ cautiously and carfully, as if th pn might run dry th nxt momnt, or would you prtnd or bliv (or prtnd to bliv) that th pn will writ forvr and procd accordingly?and of what would you writ: of lov? hat? fun? misry? lif? dath? nothing? vrything?would you writ to plas just yourslf? or othrs? or yourslf by writing for othrs?would your stroks b trmblingly timid or brilliantly bold? fancy with a flourish or plain?would you vn writ? onc you hav th pn, no rul says you hav to writ. would you sktch? scribbl? doodl or draw?would you stay in or on th lins, or s no lins at all, vn if thy wr thr? or ar thy?thr's a lot to think about hr, isn't thr?now, suppos somon gav you a lif...

你自己的生活(Your Own Life)

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