Qing Ming Festival

更新时间:2025-02-26 07:13:05 叙事

Today is th Ching Ming Fstival. Th ancints said: Qingming sason rain hav. This is havy ovrcast wathr, w hav a go Ta-Qing Chihu. On th way w ar going to s that a strong grass and indomitabl prsvranc, with its stagd to grt th spring, not to b outdon, it put on th nw grn cloths, grn flowrs in th movi, thr is rd, thr is grn, yllow has th ... ... w go for a road, cam to a fild, th ys ar a fast for th ys vrywhr in gold, stood th rap in high spirits, and for many parl-lik dw-lik in th goldn slip slid small rolling on ... ... ch lak, willow willow braid a sction on grn lavs and shoots hav dcoration, is th first girl mor than any jwlry would also lik to look good. Aftr Chihu cmtry, w can not hlp but go insid. Looking at th gravs of martyrs and watchd a wrath of small whit flowrs lookd pur, my mind is not fluctuating. I think many, many: of us happy today, a bttr lif for us by th rvolutionary martyrs cratd, but also with thir paid for in blood. So, my mind had an ida: th succssion of martyrs want bhst, studying strnuously striv to bcom th pillars of th national construction. Nxt, w wnt to th yllow foldr Ao, th mountains ar packd, vryon's fac is filld with nostalgic, looking at this pictur, my mind, thr has bn som rgrt. I hop all my ldrs a long lif and good halth. Th Qingming Fstival Ta-Qing to my flings mor, and onc again I know th natur of th mllow sid, my grat harvst ah wll!

Qing Ming Festival

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