bcoming a nw mum can b a strssful xprinc for vn th most patint woman.surviving on littl slp and with littl tim for thmslvs, many find thy ar unfulfilld and unhappy.but now rsarchrs hav rvald a tn-point action plan to hlp young mums out of th doldrums.suggstions includ saying hllo to a strangr, turning off th tlvision and spoiling thmslvs with a trat vry day.by following th stps, mothrs should b abl to lad a fulfilling and contntd lif.th rsarch was carrid out by ntmums, an onlin support group who askd 1,000 nw mothrs to follow th principls.aftr just 28 days, mothrs had rportd significantly highr 'happinss lvls'.ntmums co-foundr sally russll said: "rsarch has shown that mothrs ar at thir last happist stag in th first fw yars of bringing up childrn bcasu thy ar so strssd and ovrworkd."social isolation is on of th main rasons for this.""ths stps ar about mothrs taking a littl bit of tim to mak thmslvs happy."how you can put a smil on your fac1. count your blssings. list tn things you lik about yourslf in a 'happinss diary'.2. hav a laugh vry day. laughtr coms asily to childrn, so try to gt thm giggling.3. do a good turn. lt somon hav your parking spac - or offr your partnr a massag.4. trat yourslf vryday. hom pdicur, glass of win or som chocolat.5. halv your tv viwing. instad, complt a task that you kp putting off.6. say hllo to a strangr. and smil as you do so.7. look aftr somthing you'v plantd. smll th soil as you plant sds.8. gt physical. do 100 skips and try to rmmbr childhood rhyms.9. phon or talk to a frind. think of four things you rally want to ask thm.10. talk tim. try to book an hour of quality tim with your partnr vry wk.(agncis)即使是最有耐性的女人,在初为人母时也会感到紧张不安。许多人睡不着觉,几乎没有属于自己的时间,这让她们感到没有成就感,没有快乐。不过,研究人员最近公布了十点行动计划,以此帮助年轻妈妈走出忧郁的泥淖。他们建议年轻妈妈和陌生人打招呼、关掉电视机、每天来点美味犒劳一下自己。按照这些步骤去做,妈妈们一定会感到日子充实、心情惬意。这项研究由网上互助组织“妈妈网”负责进行,它邀请了1000位新妈妈前来尝试这些措施。研究仅仅进行了28天,就有年轻妈妈说她们感到非常“快乐”。“妈妈网”创始人之一莎莉·罗素说:“研究显示,在抚育孩子的最初几年里,妈妈们最不开心。这个时期,她们的压力和工作量都很大。”“与社会脱离是产生这一现象的一大原因。”“这些措施仅占用妈妈们一点点时间,却可以让她们开心和快乐。”怎样让自己保持微笑?1. 快乐知多少。在“开心日记”里记下十件你喜欢并且是关于你的乐事。2. 开怀大笑每一天。小孩子很容易笑,所以尽量让他们咯咯笑。3. 助人为乐。让别人借用你的停车场地,或者给伴侣发条短信。4. 自我娱乐。做做家庭足疗,来杯葡萄酒,吃点巧克力。5. 缩减一半看电视的时间。把看电视的时间用来做以前迟迟没有做的事。6. 和陌生人打招呼,对他们报以微笑。7. 照料您的植物。播种子时闻一闻泥土的气息。8. 锻炼身体。每天跳100下,背诵一些童年的歌谣。9. 给朋友打打电话聊聊天。想出四件你打心眼里想问他们的事情。10. 交流。和伴侣计划好,尽量保证一周一次一个小时的高质量谈话。vocabulary:doldrums: a priod of dprssion or unhappy listlssnss(忧郁期,没精打采的日子);例如:in th doldrums(精神沮丧)trat: 美食,源于动词trat(请客吃饭,招待)a good turn: 善良的行为
年轻妈妈的快乐秘诀(The secret of a happy young mother)
更新时间:2025-03-16 21:35:56
年轻妈妈的快乐秘诀(The secret of a happy young mother) 相关文章
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