Wknds to popl man that thy can hav a two-day good rst. For xampl, popl can go out to njoy thmslvs or gt togthr with rlativs and frinds to talk with ach othr or watch intrsting vido taps with th whol family.
vryon spnds wknds in his own way. Within two days, som popl can rlax thmslvs by listning to music, rading novls, or watching films. Othrs prhaps ar mor activ by playing basktball, wimming or dancing. Diffrnt popl hav diffrnt rlaxations.
I oftn spnd wknds with my family or my frinds. Somtims my parnts tak m on a visit to thir old frinds. Somtims I go to th library to study or borrow som books to gain much knowldg. I also go to s various xhibition to broadn my vision. An xcursion to sashor or mountain rsorts is my favorit way of spnding wknds. Wknds ar always njoyabl for m.