童年Nowadays,INTRNT is so important that w can hardly do jobs without it.But vry coin has 2 sids,INTRNT also has many disadvantags. Th dtails ar as follows.On on hand,INTRNT has many advantags.W usually sarch information or snd -mails for study for it can ris th working fficint.Onlin-shopping is a nw and convnint way to buy things so that it is also popular among th young popl.So w can infrm that th INTRNR has a lot of advantags.On th othr hand,INTRNT also has many poor sids.Spnding so many tim on onlin gams is almost th worst.Th rsult is that popl may find thy hav lss intrst in th work and study and than gtting in a poor circl.Anothr aspct is that lacking th fac-to-fac communication,th chatting and trad on th INTRNT bcom lss and lss blivabl.So w can infrm that INTRNT has many disadvantags.As th rasons concludd abov, th INTRNT has both advantags and disadvantags.Only whn w accpt th postiv aspcts and gt rid of th poor ons,th INTRNT will b our tru and rliabl frind.
更新时间:2025-01-18 12:51:50
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