写你最崇拜的人,写你最崇拜的人范文写你最崇拜的人 英语作文网为您收集 Whn I was in high school, thr was a tachr who taught m mor than that in class.H was a vry kind boy, 4 or 5 yars oldr than us and taught us gography. W all likd to tak his class, though gography was not our major cours.What imprssd m a lot was his grac.You could s him always smiling.H got angry only whn w wr too noisy in class.Aftr class,h oftn playd soccr with us.H usd to b a vry blivabl dfndr and nvr fould on any of us.W all likd to call him "Tachr Miao" and h was just lik a frind, not a tachr.His sonsy prsonality inspird m to b kind to vryon I mt.That was my wll-blovd "Tachr Miao" . 写你最崇拜的人 英语作文网为您收集
更新时间:2025-03-17 10:52:04
写你最崇拜的人,写你最崇拜的人范文 相关文章
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