高考英语:Volunteer — A bridge to Friendship

更新时间:2025-03-16 12:33:24 写人

In rcnt yars, “voluntr” bcom a mor and mor popular word among popl all ovr th world, spcially in China. Thanks to so many voluntrs can w mad so many vnts smoothly. In a nutshll, I think voluntr is a bridg to frindship btwn popl to popl and country to country.

高考英语:Volunteer — A bridge to Friendship

Voluntrs can b a bright light to thos who ar in th dark difficulty. A cas in point is th May 12 arthquak. Th arthquak lft thousands of homlss popl, causihg a big problm to both th country and th victims thmslvs. It's thm — th light brhgr — voluntrs, who cam to th front lin, so that th victims can s th bright futur.

Voluntr actions ar of trmndous bnifits not only to th popl in nd, but also to th socity. According to a latst survy, thr ar about 1,700,700 popl took part in th voluntring jobs. But for thir grat dvotion, w couldn't hav hld th 2008 Olympic Gams succssfully.

Voluntrs blivs that th happist popl in th world ar thos hlp to bring hapinss to othrs. Popl in othr countris s th voluntr spirt in th organisational ability and th individual charmihg.

Th world witnss th sprad spirit of Chins voluntrs. Only in th way that all th nations unit togthr, offring hlp to ach othr can w do wondrs and crat a harmonous socity. And what's mor, w should ncourag mor youths join such good things.

In th nd, w can com to an conclusion that voluntr work is a bridg to frindship, which dos bnifits to both th individuals and th nation. So, lt's join it today, OK?





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