Every day is a gift from God,Every day is a gift from God范

更新时间:2025-03-22 20:14:40 高中生作文

vry day is a gift from God 由 vry day is a gift from God

Every day is a gift from God,Every day is a gift from God范

What’s lif? Many popl spnd all thir tim sarching for th answr.

Lif would b a paradis vryon drams of; Lif would b full of happinss and mystris; Lif would b valuabl trasur.

But what about th lif w’r living now?

W spnd too rcklss, laugh too littl , gt angry too quickly, stand up too lat, gtup too tird. W hav multiply our possssions, but rduc our valus. W talk too much , laugh too littl and li too oftn. W’v larnt how to mak a living, but not a lif. W’v addd yars to lif, not lif to yars.

So w gt mor and mor tird. vn a small failur can brak us down. It’s tim to chang our minds.

Th rabbis of old put it this way: “A man coms to this world with his first clnchd, but, whn h dis, his hand is opn.” Th art of living is to know whn to hold fast and whn to lt go. For lif is a paradox: it njoin us to cling to it many gifts vn whil it ordains thir vntual rlinquishmnt.

Hold fast to lif, but not so fast that you can’t lt go. By always chasing aftr nw goals, w’r nvr rally apprciating what w alrady hav right now. Whn I walkd in th strt on day, th sunlight hit m. Ho bautiful it was, how warming, how sparking, how brilliant! I lookd around to s if anyon ls rlishd th sun’s gold glow, but vryon was going to or fro, most with ys fixd on th ground. Th I raliz most of us, hav bn in diffrnt to th grandur of ach day, too proccupid with ptty and somtims vn maninglss concrns. At that momnt, I cam to know lif’s gifts ar prcious---but w’r too hdlss of thm.

Surly w must hold fast to lif, for it’s wondrful and full of bautis. W know that is so, but oftn w rcogniz this truth, only in our backward glanc whn w rmmbr what was, and thn raliz that is no mor.

W rmmbr a bauty that fadd, a lov that wand. But w rmmbr with far grat pain that w didn’t s that bauty whn it flowrd, that w fail to rspond with lov whn it was tndrd. Don’t run through lif so fast that you forgt not only whr you’v bn, but also whr you’r going. Lif is not a rac, but a journy to b njoyd slowly ach stp of th way. Dram what you want to dram, go whr you what to go, b what you want to b, bcaus you hav only on lif and on chanc to do all th things you want to do. Th happist of popl don’t ncssarily hav th bst of vrything. Thy just mak th most vrything that coms along thir ways.

Nvr too busy for th wondr and th ow of lif. B rvrnt bfor ach day. mbrac ach hour. Siz ach goldn minut.

vry morning whn w opn our ys, w tll ourslvs that it is spcial. vry day, vry minut, vry brath, truly is a gift from gold. vry day is a gift from God 由

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