My friend

更新时间:2025-03-16 13:30:45 小学生作文

My frind Lisa is a good girl. Sh is my bst frind. W ar studnts. I know ach othr vry wll.

My friend

Lisa has vry long and black hair. Hr ys ar vry bright. Sh is thin but not wak. Sh is smart and activ. But somtims sh is quit. Sh is vry strict with hrslf. Sh studis vry hard. Sh wants to ntr a good middl school nxt yar. So sh always tlls m to study hard togthr. W hop w can gt into th sam school nxt yar.

W hav th sam hobbis. Sh liks playing badminton, and I lik it too. W lik th sam music, th sam books. Hr favourit book is Harry Pottr. I lik it , too. W oftn rad books togthr.

Sh is also brav and indpndnt. You know, our parnts com to school to tak us hom vry Friday aftrnoon. But on Friday, I found hr go hom alon by taxi. I said: “ You ar vry brav, you ar th bst.” Sh said “Thanks”with smil.

Sh tlls m sh wants to b a nutritionist on day. I think it vry hard to b a nutritionist.But sh says whr thr is a will, thr is a way. I hop hr dram will com tru on day.

Lisa, you’r my frind. I hav to larn from you. I lov you.

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