晚饭后-Aftr Suppr 每天吃完晚饭,爸爸就立即离开饭桌,到阳台给他那些可爱的花儿浇水。他手里拿着喷壶,津津有味地欣赏着花的美丽,闻着花的芳香。有时他还对着花儿微笑,似乎在跟它们交谈着什么。妈妈则一边洗碗扫地一边哼着京戏,有时停下采询问一下我在学校学习的情况。晚饭后,我弹两个小时的钢琴。我们生活得多幸福呀。 Aftr suppr, my fathr lavs th tabl fight away and starts to watr his dar flowrs on th balcony vry day. H taks his sprayr in his hand, apprciating thir bauty and smlling thir fragranc. Somtims h smils at th flowrs, as if h is talking with thm. Mom washs th dishs, clans up th floor and at th sam tim singing Bijing Opra. Somtims sh stops to ask m how I do in my school. Aftr suppr, I play th piano for two hours. What a happy lif w liv.
晚饭后-After Supper
更新时间:2025-01-30 05:03:16
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