W oftn do not tak much notic of th popl around us who on public srvic jobs. Ths popl ar train station workrs, airlin stwardss, firmn, policmn, bus drivrs, taxi drivrs and soldirs. Only during som accidnt ths popl ar thn th first ons to com to our aid and somtims at th risk of thir own livs. Rcntly, I saw a big fir in a tn-story apartmnt hous whr firmn workd undr grat dangr. Luckily in this cas no on was hurt. ach of us hav within us th ssnc of bravry availabl on our vryday job, or just going to school, or at hom. Soldirs ar calld to show bravry in dfnding thir country from aggrssion. Somtims during a national disastr such as an arthquak or typhoon soldirs ar calld to hlp show bravry and strngth.
论勇敢-On Bravery
更新时间:2025-03-16 13:02:10
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