怀念之情:怀念蔡老师-In Memory of Mr Cai

更新时间:2025-02-18 23:09:04 高中生作文


怀念之情:怀念蔡老师-In Memory of Mr Cai




In Mmory of Mr Cai

Th nws that Mr Cai had passd away was known, and I fll into grat sorrow. Th sound of th rain knocking on th window was so mournful① that it dpnd my distrss②.

My mmory brought m back to th class whn I saw him for th last tim.

That vning it was raining, too. W startd our lsson as usual at a quartr past six. I sat in th first row, and I saw Mr Cai prss his stomach with a hand from tim to tim, but I didn't know th rason thn. Th two hours passd quickly. Whn th lsson cam to an nd,Mr Cai told us that h had possibly dvlopd a stomach cancr, and would go to Bijing to s a doctor. If thr was nothing srious, h would continu to tach us aftr h cam back. H was vry calm and his voic was stady③. H still gav us som homwork. H said that h would mark th paprs as soon as h cam back.

Thn I startd to wait for his rturn. I had not thought that I would not s him any mor. Th cancr had takn his lif, vn though h was still young.

Mr Cai's words ar still ringing in my ars,“I hop you will b on of th bst studnts.” I think I should work hard at nglish and liv up to his xpctation ④.

I hav lost a good tachr. Tars will dry up in tim, but th mmory will stay for vr.



①mournful ['m&:nful] a. 悲哀的;哀痛的

②distrss [dis'trss] n.悲痛;苦恼;忧伤

③stady ['stdi] a. 沉着的;从容的

④liv up to on's xpctation 不辜负某人的期望



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