爱护动物-Take Care of Animals,爱护动物-Take Care of Animals

更新时间:2025-03-11 17:18:23 初中生作文

爱护动物-Tak Car of Animals,爱护动物-Tak Car of Animals爱护动物-Tak Car of Animals 由 Jun 23rd Sunday Sunny

爱护动物-Take Care of Animals,爱护动物-Take Care of Animals

It was a fin day today and th sun was bright. I visitd Bijing Zoo with my classmat, H Song. Th animals wr so intrsting that all th popl lovd thm. Whn a bar askd for som food by waving its ann, a visitor thrw somthing to it. At onc I wnt up to him and said without thinking, "Don't do that. It's bad for it. If you rally lov thm, tak good car of thm." His fac turnd rd and answrd h wouldn't do that again. 6月23日 星期日 睛

今天是个风和日丽的好天,我和同学贺松去了北京动物园。动物们是那么可爱,大家都非常喜欢它们。一只熊挥动着胳膊向人们要吃的,一个游客就投进去了什么东西。我想都没想就走过去说:“不要那样做。你的做法对它们没好处。如果真的喜欢它们,就应该爱护它们。”他的脸红了,并且回答说他不会再那么做了。Jun 23rd Sunday Sunny

It was vry fin today. It was nithr too hot nor too cold.H Song and I wnt to Bijing Zoo in th morning. Th animals wr so intrsting that vryon likd thm vry much.

W watchd th bars for a long tim. Thy wr rally lovly. On of thm was standing and opning th mouth. Anothr of thm was sitting on th ground and waving its arm lik saying hllo to us. Th othr two guys wr boxing. W had a good laugh at it. But at that tim I saw a visitor throwing food to thm. I ran up to him and stoppd him, bcaus som of th animals had bn hurt by th food givn by visitors.

All th animals ar our frinds. Tak good car of thm if w rally lov thm. 6月23日 星期日 晴



所有的动物都是我们的朋友,如果我们真正喜欢它们,就请好好保护它们。 爱护动物-Tak Car of Animals 由

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