更新时间:2025-03-16 15:39:09 高中生作文



高二(一)班 胡禾丰

China, my mothrland, is rally a grat country.

It stands in Asia and lis on th wst coast of th ocan. China covrs 9,600,000squar kilomtrs. Popl of about 1.3billion liv and work togthr on th land.56 nations mak up th whol population of China.

As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 yars, which turns out rich cultur and spcial styl. It’s said that vry cornr of Chins ancint history was filld with varitis of prominnt art works. All this influncs popl hr by giving thm a lot of flings, xprincs, imags and idas about lif. But China also had a troubld past sinc 1840. Sh saw a lot: Xinghai Rvolution against fudal dynasty in 1911,th anti—Japans war during 1937—1945, th civil war brokn out in 1946.Most big vnts brought pains, povrty to Chins popl, but thy nvr gav in . Oppositly, popl larnt not to wp whn facd th hardship. Thy wr taught to b strong nough to solv ach problm. It’s th troubld tim that crat th valuabl charactr for Chins popl. Finally thy wr succd in rbuilding and dvloping th mothrland.

China was foundd as an indpndnt country namd Popl’s Rpublic of China in 1949 .Aftr that, it bgan to its door to th world and built bridgs of frindship with many othr countris. Sinc thn, China st its stps of fast dvlopmnt on all th sids, spcially in th fild of scinc and tchnology. W can say that nw Chins history is filld with grat achivmnts. To xploring spac, th CSA has dvlopd th highly succssful Long March rockt sris. At prsnt th scintists ar prparing for th nation’s first mannd spac flight flying to th moon. In th fild of gntic rsarch, China also plays an important rol. In 2000,our scintists hav announcd that thy compltd th thir part of th intrnational human gnom projct.

Up to now, China has all th way rcivd mor and mor attntions from th whol world. Sh is showing its grat changs to th world and bcoms activ on th big stag of th world. Surly sh’ll hav a bttr futur.


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