Make Dumplings

更新时间:2025-03-16 00:38:17 叙事

Dumpling is a traditional Chins food. On th lunar Nw Yar s Day, most familis mak a lot of dlicious dumplings. To mak thm, follow this asy procss. Th first stp is to mix th flour with watr. Whn th dough is rady, w can bgin to mak dumpling wrapprs. W us a rolling pol to roll th dough into small, thin and round pics so that thy will b asy to cook. Whn th wrapprs ar don, it s tim to prpar th filling. Usually, w us mat such as bf or mutton, and som vgtabls such as cabbag or carrots for filling. You may actually choos whatvr you lik to put into it. W must chop thos things into small pics. Thn put som salt, oil and othr condimnts into it and stir it vnly. Whn all ths prparations ar don, w can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in th cntr of th wrappr. Thn stick th two opposit sids togthr and thn th rst. Don t just covr th filling with th wrapprs. Th bst shap of dumplings is that of a ship, bcaus whn thy ar boiling in th pan, thy look lik ships sailing in th sa. Th smll can mak your mouth watr.

Make Dumplings

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