Should Studnts Mak Frinds On Lin?
Should studnts mak frinds on lin? Som popl say ys. Th Intrnt hlps mak many frinds. Chatting on lin, studnts can xprss thir flings and opinions mor frly, and vn gt hlp with thir forign languag studis.
Othrs, howvr, think studnts should not. Thy say making frinds on lin is a wast of tim, which should b spnt mor maningfully on study. Bsids, som studnts, gt chatd on lin.
It is my opinion that studnts should plac thir study, halth and safty bfor othr, things. As for frindship, w can radily find it in our classmats and othr popl around us. 学生应该网上交友吗?