Music Apprciation-音乐欣赏
What is your favorit kind of music? Do you lik jazz, popular music, classical music, folk songs, blus, and so on? In high school I took on cours calld music apprciation which I gratly njoyd. This was not to larn how to play a spcific instrumnt but to larn how to rad and listn to music as an art form. W rad th storis about th livs of many composrs and th history of th musical instrumnts thmslvs. Somtims w listnd to taps at th languag laboratory, or concrts. Music is somtims calld a univrsal languag. A composr who cannot spak a singl word of our languag can mak us fl joy and prid, xaltation and dspair, pac and mystry through his music.