
更新时间:2025-03-14 01:13:58 初中生作文

大熊猫--我喜欢Giant pandas--my favourit


I want to tll you somthing about my favourit of all th animals, I lik giant pandas bst.

Giant pandas ar bautiful black and whit animal. Whn a giant panda was born, it lookd lik a whit mous and whn it grows up, it looks lik a bar. I think it looks lovly. It usually ats bamboo shoots and lavs. I har that giant pandas at mat long long ago but now thy nvr at mat. It livs in bamboo forsts so it can climb trs. I lik it bcaus it can mak m happy.

Many popl say China is famous for th dragon, but I don't think so. I think China is famous for giant pandas. Th Chins govrnmnt oftn snds on or two giant pandas to th othr countris as a prsnt. This yar, th Chins govrnmnt snt two giant pandas-- Tuantuan and Yuanyuan to Taiwan. Thy liv in th zoo now and thy ar popular and wlcom in Taiwan. A lot of tourists to Taiwan would lik to go and s thm.

But th numbr of giant pandas is gtting smallr and smallr. Many huntrs kill thm for thir fur and farmrs chang th natur rsrvs to mak mor farmlands. I think giant pandas nd our hlp. W should tak actions to protct animals. ncouraging huntrs and farmrs to lav rsrvs is th most important. Though I'm still a studnt, I can writ to nwspaprs and magazins about protcting animals. I hop animals can liv a happy lif.

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