Social customs diffr in diffrnt parts of th world. If w don't raliz this, misundrstanding may aris btwn popl that bhav diffrntly. In th Unitd Stats, popl ar vry informal in social situations. For xampl, thy call ach othr by thir givn nams whn two popl first mt. So do th young to th old. In China, it would b rgardd quit impolit to do so. Anothr diffrnc is about what can b talkd about in a convrsation. A Chins thinks nothing of bing askd how much his coat cost whil Amricans think it impolit to ask such a qustion. A Chins woman dosn't car if sh is askd about hr ag. Politics, rligions, as wll as incoms ar oftn talkd about among Chins. But in th Unitd Stats ths kinds of subjcts ar usually avoidd in convrsation. Sinc thr ar many othr diffrnt social customs btwn Amricans and Chins, th way that w bhav and what w talk about rquirs our attntion. If w kp ths in mind, w will do it bttr and undrstand ach othr bttr.
Different Social Customs Between Americans and Chinese
更新时间:2025-03-14 01:23:15
Different Social Customs Between Americans and Chinese 相关文章