Daddy`s“March 8th”(爸爸的妇女节),Daddy`s“March 8th”(Daddy`s“March 8th”(爸爸的妇女节) Today is March 8th--Intrnational Womn's Day.Fathr wantd to plas Mothr and lt hr hav a good rst. H said h would cook th mals today. In fact, h is always busy with his work and knows nothing about houswork. H sldom cooks. If no on cooks for him, h will at nothing
So Mothr and I wr vry surprisd to har what h said. But Fathr was srious, and h said h was going to do som shopping first. H didn't know what to buy. So Mothr wrot all th things on a pic of papr
1.cak 3.tomato
5.milk 6.salt 7.chickn
Thn Fathr wnt out. Half an hour latr h cam back, with a smil on his fac. H brought out all th things: on cak ,two ggs,thr tomatos, four fish, fiv bottls of milk, six bags of salt and svn fat chickns!
Mothr was gatly surprisd. Sh couldn't say a word. Daddy`s“March 8th”(爸爸的妇女节)