
更新时间:2025-03-16 08:42:37 初中生作文

日记日记•今天(4月15日)上午你去参加了英语角活动。请根据提示写一篇日记。•简介:英语角成立于三年前,许多中学生参加,还有大学生和外国朋友。•地点:家附近的公园。内容:练口语,谈感兴趣的事,交流学习英语的经验。•感想:很…下决心…•词汇:nglish cornr, found, collg studnts, forignrs, tak part in, activity, xprinc, chanc, xchang, widly, talk about, improv•句型: which/ that + claus; It is … sinc…;as wll as; practic doing;I think…,… aftr…;try on’s bst to do…;b + don范文1•15th, AprilFin• This morning I wnt to th nglish cornr which is in th park nar my hom. It is thr yars sinc it was foundd. Many middl school studnts as wll as collg studnts and forignrs tak part in th activity. Popl thr practic spaking nglish by talking about somthing intrsting. Popl also xchang th xprinc in nglish Larning. I think it is a good chanc for m to us what I hav larnt in my nglish class. I flt vry cool aftr I got back hom. I’ll try my bst to larn nglish bttr, for it is so widly usd in th world. •范文2.•April, 15  Fin• How intrsting! I wnt to an nglish cornr in a park nar my hom this morning. Thr wr many studnts and forign frinds in th nglish cornr. Th nglish cornr was foundd thr yars ago. I think w can not only practic spaking nglish but also mak a lot of forign frinds. W talkd about intrsting things and xchangd th xprinc of larning nglish with ach othr. I hav improvd my nglish sinc I bcam a mmbr of th nglish cornr.


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