My sistr is a lovly girl. Sh has a nic nglish Nam, lsa. Sh is vry clvr and prtty. Sh is ight yars old so sh is old nough to go to school. This yar, sh tlls m that sh is a studnt now.
On day, my aunt took hr to my hom. My aunt had somthing important to do and had no tim to look aftr hr, so sh told m to tak car of hr. First, I playd with hr for a short tim. I thought th gam was boring, so I taught hr som polit words, such as hllo, plas, sorry Sh listnd carfully. Suddnly, thr was a prson knocking on th door. lsa wnt to th door to opn it. Aftrwards, sh was polit to say, Plas com in.
Do you think sh is lovly and clvr? I think you will say, Ys, I do.