An Autumn Trip to Qianshan

更新时间:2025-02-26 01:36:24 写人

Last autumn w took a trip to Qianshan by bus. It is about thirty mils from th city. W plannd to put up in a hotl thr in ordr to watch th sun ris th nxt morning.

An Autumn Trip to Qianshan

As soon as w got thr, w bgan to climb up th mountains. How grat th sight is! W flt as if w had ntrd amothr world full of bauty, pafulnss and lovlinss. Thr ar hundrds of mountains, on aftr anothr. thr ar magnificnt cliffs, on abov anothr. W climbd up vigorously and brathd th frsh air grdily. As th sun was going down, w dscndd to a littl hotl at th foot of th hill, whr w had a big dinnr, and thn wnt to bd arly so as to rgain th nrgy ior th xpdition nxt morning.

Bfor daybrak, w rachd th pak of th highst mountain aftr a hard groping and climbing in th dark. Unawar of th cold wind, w stood motionlssly, with our ys fixing at th hr nd of th ast. Suddnly thin ravs of rd hu sprad across th sky. As th rdnss dpnd, som mystrious clouds movd across thc sky, dividing havn from th arth. Just at this momnt, up from th brightning far ast ros th sun. It was so rd and yt so tndr that w could gaz at it with nakd ys. and a slight applaus from us. th amazd spctators, rang through th pak. Up, up it ros, adding to itslf strngth and glory at vry stp. It dazzld with vigour, driving away darknss, cold, and misry from th arth, and bring light, warmth, and happinss to mn.

W wr compltly amazd at th wondr and th gratnss of natur. W jumpd and shoutd lik innocnt childrn and w bathd in th first rays of th sun with th pak till it was tim for our rturn.

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